Essential: A Bespoke Hearing Aid Fitting

With hearing aids, the prescription generated for your ears is achieved through measuring the thresholds of your hearing and determines the amplification required along with basic data including your age.

But human hearing is complex; your ears and neural pathways are unique to you and deserve to be treated as such with evidence-based, personalised measurements and fitting procedures to assist you in maximising your hearing for a better hearing life.

Factors often overlooked in the fitting of hearing aids include: the ear shape, volume, length; the natural amplification of certain frequencies in the ear; processing ability of the hearing devices and how they deal with varied sound volumes and sources.

The more complicated your hearing loss, the more important the finer adjustments and personalised programming of the hearing aids are.

This means that if your hearing loss is anything but incredibly simple and straight-forward and your ears fit into the ‘average’ for your age-group, then the hearing aids are unlikely to be maximising your hearing ability. The potential is often missed in favour of speed.

For the very best hearing, attention to detail is vital. Detail takes time and dedication to you achieving the best outcomes from your clinician.

In a typical high-street hearing aid shop, patients are passed between several people of varying clinical ability which decreases their personal investment in the person in front of them. Quite often, these same dispensers are often not qualified Audiologists and they’ve been trained within the same ‘warehouse production-line’ style business to see as many patients as quickly as possible; to the detriment of high quality care and personal attention to detail.

Errors and inconsistencies in the setup of hearing aids as a direct result of this approach to hearing healthcare is the most common reason why patients are unhappy or see little benefit in their hearing aids. 

With over 13 years Audiology experience, we are frequently consulted by people wanting a second opinion for themselves or their loved ones. Rather than being the hearing aids, the findings in the majority of these cases are primarily an under- or over- amplified device with inappropriate levels of care having been taken to program them to match the specific requirements of the individual. A catalogue of errors from pressurised dispensers with sales quotas to fill by the end of the month at the expense of the hearing aid wearer.

At Waves Hearing, our principal clinician, Mr Donald Gordon, offers his professional expertise in accurately measuring your hearing and, most importantly, personally guiding you through the entire journey. From fitting and adjustment to ongoing care of the hearing aids, we take professional responsibility for your hearing health forward into the future.

Informative, honest advice.

We guarantee all hearing aid fittings are bespoke, checked and fitted to maximise your hearing. 

Candour is important; you’ll be told the current health of your hearing and what the next steps should be for you.

Our aim is to facilitate you to live your life to the fullest and proactively help avoid factors that may make hearing harder to treat in the future. Hundreds of patients across the UK have trusted our Audiologist’s expert advice over the last decade because it’s always an evidence-based provision of health advice, to allow you to make your own decision, based on accurate functional assessments and guidance from a wealth of professional experience.

  • "Very thorough examination and everything explained well. Donald Gordon was excellent and I have every confidence in him and his knowledge and ability to treat my hearing loss"

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Linda P

  • "Audiologist Donald Gordon, he's genuinely a very enthusiastic and passionate about his job which is great! He did various tests and took time to explained things well to me about my tinnitus and hearing loss. He was able to give me good advice on which hearing aids (pros and cons) that would be best suited for my conditions."

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ RC

  • "Received new 'ears' on Wednesday. I cannot be happier. From the first contact they have been extremely helpful. Donald listened to my problems, carried out a full assessment and made recommendations. No pressure and an option to give them back if not completely satisfied. If hardware lives up to hopes, will be life-changing.

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jim

  • "Brilliant service - very friendly. Donald explained exactly what was going to happen at every step. Being able to see inside both ears both and after they were cleaned was amazing. I've used the NHS for water irrigation cleaning in my ears before and this was much better and far less unpleasant."

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Keith

Ear canal full of wax before microsuction.

Wax Removal

Relieve pain and discomfort instantly with gold-standard removal techniques with a microsuction Audiologist consultation. Includes an optional free check of inner ear function too.

Hearing Health Check

Check of inner ear function, any middle ear condition and for outer ear health. Maintain an accurate record of hearing health and spot issues early to prevent deterioration.

Mum? Dad? Husband? Wife? Yourself?
Have you noticed a possible hearing difficulty in the family?

Our aim is to help people join the conversation again.

It all begins with a health check of their ears. So let’s have a look.

Book a Discovery consultation to understand your loved one’s functional hearing and we’ll work with everyone to help or advise on what to do next.

If you want advice on what to do about your or someone else’s hearing, or if you were unsure which appointment type to book, you can request a call-back from the team.

We always get back to you within 12 hours so you’ll have the answers to any queries fast.


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